Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Temperatures are DROPPING! Don't forget that pets get cold, too!

Joni and Gregory are both dedicated dog-lovers.  Given the upcoming cold weather, it seems like a good time to post about local ordinances for pet care. The following was posted earlier today on the  New Hanover Sheriff's Office Animal Services Unit Facebook page:
"It shall be unlawful for any person to keep animals under unsanitary or inhumane conditions or fail to provide proper food and water at all times, shelter from the weather, reasonably clean quarters and proper medical attention for the sick, diseased or injured animals, as well as adequate inoculations against diseases, according to the species of animal kept."
What does that mean for pet housing?
"For the outdoor dog, if the temperature drops down into the 20’s or even zero, so long as he is protected from the wind and drafts and has good bedding, he will stay warm and snug. Few breeds of outdoor dogs need their living quarters heated. The most important thing is a dry, well insulated house protected from the wind. It should not face the cold north. In severe cold, an empty burlap sack or curtain should be nailed over the opening of the house and your pet will soon learn to walk under it. There are many types of housing but one that’s waterproof, preferably located next to a protected wall and away from the north winds is recommended. The floor of the house shouldn't be any lower than 3 inches from the ground. Bedding is an excellent idea, at least 5 inches thick, for your pet to curl up in. Old blankets, rugs or pine shavings are best, unless your pet is a chewer then pine shavings may prove a hazard to avoid."
Stay warm and keep your pets safe.  
~Joni and Gregory

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