Thursday, December 18, 2014

But I can't afford it . . . .

Joni and I often meet people who tell us that they'd love to buy their own place but don't think they can't afford it.  That may be true today, but can it be something you change? Often, through talking with folks, we discover that they have habits that could easily be changed to allow them to save the money that would allow them to meet their goals -- often without even feeling the pinch!

Do you go to Starbucks or Port City Java every morning for your caffeine fix?  By making coffee at home, you could save anywhere from $40 to $100 a month!  Go for an afternoon fix as well?  Double that!  How many of those little habits do you have?  Many of us don't bat an eyelash at these purchases, particularly when we're in the habit of putting it on a charge card.  Establishing a budget and sticking to it allowed me to save the down-payment I needed to buy my first house in a very short time.

As the new year approaches, now is the perfect time to schedule a financial tune-up with a professional Financial Coach.  Melissa Thomas is one of the most encouraging, knowledgeable people I've met.  She can help you review your budget, talk about what's important to you in your future, and help hold you accountable to those goals.

Melissa has generously offered a "Buy One, Get One" special on her consulting services if purchased before December 31, 2014.  Mention WaveHouse Properties and she'll also throw in a free 30-minute telephone consultation to see if coaching is right for you! 

Joni and I look forward to helping you reach your goals in 2015!  

Gregory Maley
WaveHouse Properties

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